The beauty and stability of the eco bag when unfolded is different from others.
There are many eco-bags that are compact, but most of them are made of thin and flimsy materials. When unfolded, this item has an excellent sense of stability as the pouch becomes the bottom of the eco bag. Even if you put something heavy in it, you won't feel it being pulled down, making it easy to hold. It's easy to fold, as long as you flatten the bag and then fold it to fit the width of the pouch, it will fit neatly in a short amount of time.

Adds D-rings that can be attached to other bags
One thing that all bagjack items have in common is extensibility. Many messenger bags and backpacks feature webbing tape or D-rings that allow you to attach external items such as pouches and key rings. This eco bag also has a D-ring on the outside, allowing you to attach it to other bags using a carabiner. It doesn't hurt to keep it on hand.

Can be used for shopping or as a sub-bag
It's tall enough to fit a large plastic bottle and large enough to fit a large bag of potato chips, making it convenient for shopping. The bottom is flat, so you can safely store bento items that you don't want to lay down. The storage pouch has a D-ring, and there is also a key ring inside the bag. It has beauty and functionality not found in flimsy eco bags, and can also be used as a secondary bag.

Using the most suitable nylon material for each part
Cordura nylon is used for the storage pouch. The edges are carefully finished with piping. This part serves as the bottom when used as a bag, providing outstanding strength and stability. The body of the bag is made of nylon material that is moderately thick and flexible. It is strong enough to hold luggage and easy to handle by being foldable.
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