Can also be worn crossbody for a sporty look by attaching it to the shoulder.
Helmet bags were originally created as bags for carrying US military helmets, oxygen masks, etc. The detail with two vertical pockets on the front is a design familiar to military enthusiasts. AS2OV's helmet bag can be used in 3 ways as a backpack, shoulder type, or handheld type, making it useful in a variety of situations. If you wear it diagonally using the shoulder strap, it goes perfectly with casual styles.
OK for business trips and off-duty trips
In addition to the robustness and durability that helmet bags are known for, it also has added functionality typical of AS2OV. The panel on the back is designed to allow a carry bar to pass through, so it can be used in conjunction with a carry case. You can move smartly by storing the shoulder part on the back that is used as a backpack. The basic coloring of all black including parts can be used in business situations.
Attractive large capacity and functional storage
This helmet bag may not look like it has much gusset, but it is functional and can store more items than it looks. Suitable for modern business and casual use, it comes with a PC pocket up to 13 inches, a pocket for plastic bottles and folding umbrellas, a pen pocket, and a sorting pocket, making it perfect for storing small items. The zipper opens to the full width of the main cargo compartment, allowing you to see where your luggage is at a glance.
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