

bagjack 3way helmet bag tote bag NXL bagjack 3way helmet bag

¥57,200 (税込)
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A big size helmet bag that can be used conveniently in 3 ways.

bagjack is a bag brand from Berlin created by designer Peter Brunsberg. Our messenger bags, which utilize our experience in launching Germany's first messenger service and improve upon the problems of existing bags, have a reputation for high quality. This is a true "handmade in Berlin" bag brand that is produced by a small number of elite workers. This is a helmet bag that can be carried in hand, on the shoulder, or as a backpack. It has a large capacity and is attractive because it is easy to use and can be used freely depending on the scene.




Body: H50 x W46 x D4cm Handle (height): 9cm


約Weight: approx. 550gg


Nylon (manufactured by Limonta, Italy)


Made in Berlin,Germany


Accessories: Shoulder strap (removable/adjustable): Length 27-134cm



Although this product has been carefully dyed, please note that due to the nature of dyeing, bleaching and color migration due to water, sweat, friction, etc. is unavoidable. Also, avoid wearing light colored clothing as the color may stain. Usually, use a soft brush to remove dust. For slight stains, please use an eraser, etc., being careful not to fade the color. For oily stains such as hand stains, wipe thoroughly with a soft cloth dampened with a neutral detergent diluted with water. Please be especially careful when using natural materials as there is a risk of color fading. The use of volatile solvents such as benzine and thinner is strictly prohibited. Washing or dry cleaning is also strictly prohibited.

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A helmet bag that can be used for multiple purposes, from everyday use to excursions.

A helmet bag that can be used for multiple purposes, from everyday use to excursions.

A helmet bag designed with the motif of a bag used by the American military to store helmets. It's a large size that can hold plenty of luggage, and it's deep enough to hold a large amount of storage space. Not only can it be used on a daily basis, but it can also be conveniently used on short trips for one night or two, or on business trips. While retaining the atmosphere of a helmet bag, it is a bag that is easy to use for a variety of purposes.

3WAY bag with sophisticated design and practicality

3WAY bag with sophisticated design and practicality

The back of the bag has a shoulder strap that can be used as a backpack, although it is a little short. Even when not being used as a backpack, the belt is a subtle part of the design. Not only can it be used in 3 ways - handheld, on the shoulder, or as a backpack, but it also has durability, functionality, and a sophisticated design.

Unique strap system called Quick Release

Unique strap system called Quick Release

Bagjack's shoulder belt uses a unique strap system called "Quick Release" that is not found in other companies. You can adjust the belt smoothly by lightly pulling the D ring in the center of the photo with one hand. Although it is easy to move, it is firmly fixed, so you can carry it stably. There is also a hook under the D-ring at the tip of the belt, so you can hang the extra long part onto the belt.

Large and deep outer pocket with plenty of storage space

Large and deep outer pocket with plenty of storage space

The openings of the two outer pockets can be securely closed with double snap buttons and Velcro. Newspapers can be easily stored in the deep pockets. In addition, it is very convenient for storing items such as card cases and cell phones that are often taken out when traveling. In addition, the pockets have a wide gusset, so the storage capacity is higher than it looks.

Adopts nylon manufactured by Limonta in Italy with high-quality luster and texture.

Adopts nylon manufactured by Limonta in Italy with high-quality luster and texture.

The main body material is nylon manufactured by Limonta, a fabric manufacturer founded in Costa Mazunaga, near Como, a traditional textile production area in northern Italy. It is densely woven, has a high-quality luster and texture, and is highly durable and water repellent. It has a reputation for high quality fabrics and is used by famous brands around the world.


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