Just by making the helmet bag smaller, the impression changes completely.
A shoulder bag that fits the gap between a helmet bag and a mini size. Even though it is a military style item, it has a cuteness to it. The bagjack has been made by a small number of elite hands in Berlin, but in order to overcome the current situation where production cannot keep up due to its worldwide popularity, this BAICYCLON item was created in collaboration with reliable overseas partners. .
Reproducing the iconic front pocket in one pocket
The main feature of the helmet bag is the two large pockets on the front. This bag also has pockets, but the clever design is that what looks like two pockets is actually one zipper pocket. Bagjack faithfully reproduces the atmosphere of a helmet bag while creating a single large pocket for ease of use.
Sized to accommodate a versatile iPad
The main compartment is large enough to fit an iPad or A5. In addition to valuables, this bag can hold tablets and 500ml plastic bottles, making it the most popular size for going out. Recommended for commuting if you are OK with having an iPad. There are open pockets on the front and back, so you can organize and store small items even though it is compact.
Uses two layers of highly waterproof material to completely shut out moisture.
The body material is 500 denier CORDURA nylon treated with Teflon water repellent. Furthermore, the lining is made of nylon material coated with PVC, making the bag resistant to rain. The lining makes the baggage slippery and easier to use. Careful consideration has been given to ease of use.
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