A high-quality tote bag that lets you fully enjoy the goodness of leather.
Tote bags tend to have a casual look, but this tote bag is made of high-quality leather and has a sophisticated look that adults can carry. The long handle makes it easy for both men and women to carry it over their shoulders, and the design takes into account not only looks but also ease of use, such as plenty of storage pockets. In order to take full advantage of the goodness of French leather, it is made with almost the same thickness as the original leather.
The carefully designed interior gives a good impression, and there are plenty of pockets for small items.
The interior of the storage room is made of soft material with a suede touch, which is nice because it is gentle on the luggage you store. The open pockets for small items are elegantly arranged in different sizes, such as one that fits a smartphone just right, one that is only for pens, and one that can fit about a paperback book. There is a zip pocket on the other side, so you won't have to worry about carrying a lot of small items.
A storage room with a large frontage that is easy to see and can fit A4 size and notebook PCs.
The wide-open design allows for a good view of your luggage, making it easy to see where everything is. You can fit an A4 size or 13-inch laptop next to it, so you can take it out for business. There is plenty of room to store folding umbrellas and 500ml beverage bottles vertically. It can hold plenty of luggage, so it can be used in a wide range of situations, both on and off.
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