Makes me want to carry it around with me all the time
Although it looks small, a clutch bag is very convenient because it can neatly store small items such as wallets, cell phones, keys, and card cases. It fits well as a bag-in-bag like a pouch, and makes you want to carry it around with you all the time. Perfect for short outings on holidays or for people who travel a lot by car and don't have much luggage. It comes in a wide variety of colors, and it's fun to match the color with your main bag or go for a more adventurous color.
Original parts with brand engraving
All Pelle Morbida metal fittings are original products made from molds and branded. While maintaining the same strength as regular metal, it is 20-30% lighter, so many users continue to say that ``Pelle Morbida bags are not heavy'' because there is no weight on the bag. . In addition, the metal fittings are accented with shine due to super white processing. It has been treated to resist aging, so it will continue to shine beautifully forever.
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