Helmet bag with a vintage feel
The size is smaller than a regular helmet bag. Not only is it useful for daily use, but it is also convenient as a secondary bag when traveling. It is also sized so that even women who are reluctant to carry large helmet bags can use it without hesitation. Like the nylon material of the main body, the shoulder strap is also piece-dyed, giving it an attractive vintage look with areas like the metal fittings and scratches.
Part selection with attention to detail and a manufacturing attitude
Original parts made of brass with the Porter Classic logo engraved on them. As you use it, you can enjoy various expressions such as the metal fittings becoming glossy or darker. This bag shows Porter Classic's commitment to craftsmanship, with attention to detail, such as the development of original metal fittings, the selection of unique parts, and the design of the woven logo name.
Higher storage capacity than it looks small
Porter Classic bags may look small at first glance, but they actually have a surprisingly high storage capacity. The inside is equipped with 4 open pockets and 1 zip pocket, and is sized to easily store small items and valuables, as well as tablets, notebooks, and plastic bottles. The handle also has excellent cushioning, allowing you to carry heavy loads without straining yourself.
Distinctive color unevenness and puckering similar to denim
It is a completely original material, and it is piece-dyed after it is finished into a product. One of the charms of super nylon is its distressed feel, such as denim-like color unevenness and puckering. Puckering is characterized by uneven seam surfaces and fading due to partial wear. Also, as you use it for many years, you will notice it aging, and you can enjoy the process of making your bag your own.
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