From shoulder bags to tote bags, you can change it depending on your mood that day.
Thanks to the top design with various openings and the length-adjustable shoulder strap, this bag can be carried in many different ways. By folding the opening and shortening the strap, you can carry it as an elegant crescent-shaped one-handle bag by slinging it over your shoulder. Just extend the strap and wear it diagonally for a casual look. You can also use it as a tote bag by holding the short handle without folding the top.
Top closes easily with snap button
The opening is fastened with a snap button. There is a gap between the snap button and the body, so if you insert your finger there, you can easily apply force and close it smartly. There is a tape wrapped around the mouth. This tape acts as a core for the opening and helps keep the bag's shape when folding the top or holding it as a tote.
Back zipper allows you to access the main storage without opening the top
The interior is large enough to fit a 13-inch PC, writing utensils, and even a 500ml plastic bottle and hoodie. There is a zipper pocket on the back side. Another zipper on the back provides another opening for accessing the main compartment without opening the top. If you open this, you can access the pocket on the back from the outside, so you can quickly put in and take out small items.
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