Excellent design that takes center stage on both the front and back
This bag has an exquisite balance, with the use of tape giving off a military atmosphere, while the warm cut-and-sew material adds a soft impression. What's more, if you turn it inside out, it can also be used as a one-tone tote bag made entirely of ripstop nylon. You can use the cut-and-sew material side when you want to match it with a casual style, or the one-tone side when you want a simple look.
カットソー素材 x リップストップナイロンと聞いてふにゃふにゃとした素材感を想像する人もいるかもしれませんが、実はしっかりと自立する優秀な設計になっています。ボディの生地はしっかりとしたハリのある質感で、底部からつながるハンドルのテープがボディをサポート。形が崩れにくく、使い勝手よく仕上がっています。
Designed for ease of use and stands on its own without losing its shape.
Some people may imagine a fluffy material when they hear that it is made of cut-and-sew material x ripstop nylon, but it actually has an excellent design that stands up on its own. The body fabric has a firm and firm texture, and the handle tape that connects from the bottom supports the body. It does not lose its shape and is easy to use.
A size that can accommodate A4 paper that expands your range of activities.
The inside is sized to fit a 13 inch PC or A4 paper. A 500ml plastic bottle can also be used as a writing utensil. You can also use it for commuting if you don't have to carry much luggage and your workplace accepts a casual style. Open pocket on the outside and zipper pocket on the inside. If you turn it inside out, each pocket will be reversed, but you can use it conveniently without feeling uncomfortable.
Also pay attention!