The bag feels light so you can put a lot in it.
It has a large capacity that can be used not only for daily use, but also for outdoor activities, sports, and travel. The more baggage you can fit, the heavier it becomes, so the function that makes your baggage feel lighter is at its best. The shoulder harness is designed to be wider than other bags in the same series to match the bag size. The large contact area of the harness creates a sense of stability even when carrying a large amount of luggage. Comes with a chest strap for a better fit.


The reason why your luggage feels light is because of the "muatsu" used in the shoulder straps.
``muatsu'' is the originator of healthy futons manufactured by Showa Nishikawa, a pioneer of healthy bedding, and is the longest-selling product in Japan. Made of urethane material with unique unevenness, it distributes the load radially and in a well-balanced manner. Because it is supported by points rather than surfaces, it does not restrict blood circulation and makes the load feel lighter when you carry it on your back. It took three years to develop how to incorporate thick futon fabric into the design while maximizing performance.

Added a convenient pocket with a little gimmick
The main difference from the previous model is the addition of one pocket on the top. It's not just an outside pocket, the pocket itself is also a pocket inside the main compartment. In other words, small items stored in the pockets inside the main compartment can be taken in and out without opening the large opening. A convenient pocket that can be used easily.
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