A strong ally for business people, comparable to leather bags.
This bag can be used in 4 ways and is also lightweight, making it a great ally for business people. It has a luxurious feel that is perfect for people who prefer a lighter business bag, but are reluctant to use nylon bags because they are too casual. The gusset is just the right width so it doesn't get in the way, and it has handles both vertically and horizontally, so even if you're using it as a backpack, you can easily take it down on a crowded train.
Pockets with different depths are placed inside the front pocket, greatly increasing usability.
A large zipper pocket is placed on the front. Furthermore, there is an open pocket inside, which is deep enough to fit a smartphone. Because it is a front pocket that you want to take out quickly, it can be difficult to take out your belongings if they sink deep inside. By providing pockets with different depths, you can take out small items without stress.
Pocket layout designed for ease of use both vertically and horizontally
The main compartment has a functional structure with a PC sleeve and 4 open pockets inside. What is noteworthy is its placement. To make it easy to use the bag vertically or horizontally, the PC sleeve can be fastened in two places with Velcro, and the open pockets on the back and front sides have alternate vertical and horizontal orientations.
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